MCO 012 Oil filter

Oil filter
Oil Filters

MCO 012 Oil filter

Oil filter is a filter designed to remove contaminants from engine oil, transmission oil, lubricating oil, or hydraulic oil. Their chief use is in internal-combustion engines for motor vehicles. The role of the oil filter is to remove impurities such as carbon residue and metal particles from engine oil and extend the engine life.

For all technical details about this product and all other products, please contact our sales representative for detailed information.

  • H 710/1 x
  • 6240152264
  • 6240152274
  • 6240152364
  • 6240152394
  • 6240152404
  • HF-7999
  • E39H
  • E39H D119
  • P 76-2756
OEM Numbers, Brands and Images are used for comparison purposes only. OEM Numbers, Brands and Images are never used on the waybill or invoice.

Reach Information

SVHC declaration according to regulation EC 1907/2006 on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH).

As MC Filter, we are aware of REACH and we fulfill all legal obligations under this regulation.

We inform you that, to the best of knowledge available, this product does not contain any SVHC listed on the Candidate List at a concentration above 0.1% (w/w).

MC Filter

ASTRA:120862ATS:75514, 75684AUGER:77838BALDWIN:PT8385BELL:210424, ZF210424, ZF 210424BOSCH:F 026 407 118, F 026 404 006, Z 4006BOSCH (KSN):P7118, Z4006COOPERS:HEM 6186CROSLAND:7534DAF:126 8607, 187 0042, 691954, 0691954DEMAG:77942100DIESEL TECHNIC:2.32173EUROPART:9020007101EVOBUS/SETRA:8.321.999.533.0EXMOT:WH-068FEBI-BILSTEIN:44386FOMOCO:DC46-7N067-AAFRAD:68.86.29/10FRAM:C8884, P-4596GUD:G 1097HASTINGS:PT 8385HEULIEZ:5001831431, 42563320HIFI OLD NUMBER:SH 52710HIFI-FILTER (Jura Filtration):SH 52711HIGER:17YNA-05530IMPREFIL:IH 1016IVECO:4 249 1185, 4 253 5049, 4 256 3320JOHN DEERE:TTZF 210424KOLBENSCHMIDT:4464-OC, 50 014 464LIEBHERR:500451208LUBER-FINER:LH 8640M.A.N:81.32118-6009, 81.33215-0002, 81.33215-0014MAHLE FILTER:S 60.13, HX 40, 70569343, D 2 HX 40MERCEDES (DAIMLER CHRYSLER):000 270 10 98, 000 271 01 56, 000 270 28 98MERCEDES-BENZ (DAIMLER AG):A 000 270 10 98, A 000 270 28 98, A 000 271 01 56POSSIBLE CROSS CONTA:ZF0501210798 ZF, ZF0750131003 ZFQWP:WOF291RENAULT TRUCKS (RVI):5 000 807 212, 5 001 831 431, 50 00 807 212, 50 01 831 431, 50 00 807 213, 74 85 130 056RENAULT VI:5000807213, 5001855087, 5001855097SAKURA:H-7103, H-7104SCANIA:134 5904SOFIMA:S 2234 ZSOGEFI PRO:FA5834SOGEFIPRO:FA 5834TADANO:997-073-80197TECNOCAR:Z604TRP DAF (TRUCK AND TRAILER):1500791, 1535583, 1525441, 1535180, 1535181U.F.I.:22.034.00VDL BUS GROUP:1152435, 1156324VME (VOLVO BM/MICH./EUCLID):3098081, 119 3281, 1913281-1, 1193281, 85109393VOLVO:11932811, 1193281-1WINKLER:26500034900, 2650034900ZF:0501 203 018, 0750 131 003, 4139 298 936, 4139 298 038, 0501 210 798, 6085.298.026, 6085298027, 6085.298.027, 750131003