
OEM Numbers, Brands and Images are used for comparison purposes only. OEM Numbers, Brands and Images are never used on the waybill or invoice.
Product Equivalent Code Dimensions(mm)
a b c d e g h
MCV 01Ventilator
MCIG 01 T1Natural Gas Line Filter 75 35 14 75 116
MCIG 01Natural Gas Line Filter 75 35 35 75 116
MCO 01Oil filter 86 39 12 86 101
MCFS 01Fuel - Water Separator Filter 89 89 55
MCID 01FLIndustrial dust cartridges 463 84 51 407 920
MCA 01Air filter 164 89 163 352
MCIG 02 T1Natural Gas Line Filters 82 35 15 82 120
MCC 02Cabin Filter 235 177 70
MCO 02Oil filter 60 18 18 101
MCFS 02Fuel - Water Separator Filter 89 89 55
MCIG 02Natural Gas Line Filter 82 35 35 82 120
MCID 02PCIndustrial dust cartridges 150 84 F:48 140 910
MCA 02Air filter 255 130,5 N/A 255 458
MCVS 03Oil Mist Filter System 464 414 148 1080
MCIG 03 T1Natural Gas Line Filter 95 50 14 95 161
MCC 03Cabin Filter 377 135 20
MCO 03Oil filter 120 59.5 59.5 120 264
MCFS 03Fuel - Water Separator Filter 76 76 54
MCID 03QFIndustrial dust cartridges ME 147,5 60 122 1200
MCIG 03Natural Gas Line Filter 95 50 50 95 161
MCA 03Air filter 267 172,5 531
MCF 04Fuel Filter
MCIG 04 T1Natural Gas Line Filter 120 69 14 120 210
MCC 04Cabin Filter 457 150 13
MCO 04Oil filter 120 59.5 46 120 205
MCFS 04Fuel - Water Separator Filter 76 76 54
MCIG 04Natural Gas Line Filter 120 69 69 120 210
MCA 04Air filter 310 179,5 N/A N/A 463,5
MCF 05Fuel Filter 67 16 16 67 102
MCIG 05 T1Natural Gas Line Filter 165 86 14 165 270
MCC 05Cabin Filter 491 151 12
MCO 05Oil filter 120 59.5 59.5 120 147
MCFS 05Fuel - Water Separator Filter 62,2 12,7 12,7 62,2 99,6
MCIG 05Natural Gas Line Filter 165 86 86 165 270
MCA 05Air filter 226 118 11 N/A 381
MCFS 06Fuel - Water Separator Filter 88 69,3 197
MCIG 06 T1 Natural Gas Line Filters 200 110 14 200 280
MCC 06Cabin Filter 350 150
MCO 06Oil filter 80 28 39 83 210
MCF 06Fuel Filter 67 25 67 75
MCIG 06Natural Gas Line Filter 200 110 110 200 280
MCID 06FLIndustrial dust cartridges 240 90 218 68 800
MCA 06Air filter 310 179 N/A N/A 561
MCFS 07Fuel - Water Separator Filter
MCIG 07 T1 Natural Gas Line Filters 252 138 14 252 320
MCC 07Cabin Filter 351 147 37
MCO 07Oil filter 120 13.4 56 171
MCF 07Fuel Filter 43 26 85
MCIG 07Natural Gas Line Filter 252 138 138 252 320
MCID 07TTIndustrial dust cartridges 120 M76x4 120 600
MCA 07Air filter 179 140 N/A 179 530
MCFS 08Fuel - Water Separator Filter 83 69 197
MCIG 08 T1 Natural Gas Line Filters 300 186 18 300 250
MCIO 08Industrial Hydraulic Filter 129 85 85 129 229
MCC 08Cabin Filter 150 150
MCO 08Oil filter 82.5 23.2 23.2 199
MCIG 08Natural Gas Line Filter 300 186 186 300 250
MCID 08TTIndustrial dust cartridges 120 M65x4 120 600
MCA 08Air filter 248 120 N/A 248 383
MCFS 09Fuel - Water Separator Filter
MCCK 09Cabin Filter
MCIG 09 T1 Natural Gas Line Filters 300 186 18 300 415
MCC 09Cabin Filter 318 235 25
MCO 09Oil filter 78 23 23 133
MCIG 09Natural Gas Line Filter 300 186 186 300 415
MCID 09OCIndustrial dust cartridges 200 92 17 200 500
MCA 09Air filter 305 174 N/A 305 468
MCOC 010Oil filter
MCIG 10 T1Natural Gas Line Filters 390 246 18 390 470
MCCK 010Cabin Filter 385 139 40
MCO 010Oil filter 83 36 36 169
MCF 010 KFuel Filter 84.7 13.5 13.5 84.7 145
MCIG 10Natural Gas Line Filter 390 246 246 390 470
MCA 010Air filter 282 145 N/A 282 506
MCIG 11 T1 Natural Gas Line Filters 475 320 18 475 625
MCIO 011Industrial Hydraulic Filter 83 50 50 83 228
MCC 011Cabin Filter 357 238 35
MCOC 011Oil filter 108 93 103 11/8"-16 U 261
MCF 011 KFuel Filter 43 26 85
MCIG 11Natural Gas Line Filter 475 320 320 475 625
MCA 011Air filter 267 156,5 N/A 267 476
MCC 012Cabin Filter 385 139 40
MCO 012Oil filter 70 33 104
MCF 012Fuel Filter 84.7 13.5 13.5 84.7 145
MCA 012Air filter 280,5 128 N/A 370 350
MCC 013Cabin Filter 348 207 35
MCF 013Fuel Filter 83 13 13 146
MCID 13OCIndustrial dust cartridges 150 140 F:48 140 116 500
MCA 013Air filter 325 213 11 325 515
MCC 014Cabin Filter 370 211 28
MCOC 014Oil filter 108 92.7 102.7 13/8"-16 U 265
MCF 014Fuel Filter 95 14 46 204
MCID 14OCIndustrial dust cartridges 150 140 F:48 140 116 400
MCA 014Air filter 267 170 N/A N/A 507
MCF 015 K/MCF 330 KFuel Filter
MCF 015 TK2Fuel Filter
MCF 015 TK1Fuel Filter
MCC 015Cabin Filter 486 286 62
MCO 015Oil filter 120 59.5 59.5 120 220